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Cardiology Tests/Packages

There are different types of heart which are performed to ensure the proper and smooth functioning of your blood vessels and heart. Here we’ll look into a few of such test which are done to monitor the working of your heart, how it is performed, procedures, and risks involved in these tests.

Coronary angiography:

A coronary angiography is a test which done to check the narrowing or blocking of your major heart blood vessel called the coronary artery using X-rays. coronary angiography is used to determine coronary artery diseases.

Cardiac catheterization is group of general test and treatment; coronary angiography is also part of this group. This test requires a small cut in your skin and one or more than one flexible tubes which is also known as catheters in placed in your major blood vessel your body and heart. A treatment named angioplasty and stenting is done to open any blocked arteries which is found during testing.

sometimes, instead of X-rays CT machines are used to look at these blood vessels, this test didn’t require any cut on your skin or any placement of those flexible tubes in your major blood vessel. This process is called a coronary CT angiogram (CCTA). It can be to determine whether the patient needs cardiac catheterization or not CCTA can’t treat narrowing or blocking of your blood vessel. So, in case the result shows narrowing blocking of blood vessels it will require coronary catheterization to treat it.


A coronary angiogram involves some of your major blood vessels and heart. therefore, there are some involves in this process which are the following:

  • Blood vessel injury
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Infection
  • Arrhythmias
  • Kidney damage because of the dye used in the test


It involves the testing of a major and a sensitive organ of your body. Hence, these are preparation one can done in advance before testing proceeds to get accurate result which are as follow:

  • Do not eat or drink before several hours before testing.
  • Ig you are already on some kind of medication discuss before taking medicine on that day.
  • If you are diabetic, ask them because you may need insulin or medicine before a coronary angiogram.


Healthcare professional can have used the result to do the following:

  • To confirm the narrowing and blocking of your arteries.
  • Amount of blood from or to your heart.
  • Presence of cholesterol or fats and other substances on the wall of your arteries.

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